Kid’s Spring Book Review

Spring into spring with these unique kids’ books. As always, I have included links to the free read alouds via You Tube just in case you are unable to find them at your library.

The Legend of the Bluebonnet by: Pat Cusick Ripton is a unique story of self-sacrifice. In this Native American Indian tale, a young girl gives up her most prized possession- a doll, dressed all in blue, that her mother hand made for her before she died, in order to save her tribe from a terrible drought. Her act of selflessness not only brought the rain, but it also caused the blossoming of endless fields of beautiful blue flowers called bluebonnets.

In Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms by: Julia Rawlinson that cute, naive little fox Fletcher is back and this time he’s exploring the springtime. When Fletcher mistakenly thinks flower blossoms are snowflakes, he runs to warn all his friends that they need to hurry back into hibernation. Thankfully, they insist on playing in this late spring snowstorm before returning to their burrows and discover his fun mistake.

In My Garden by: Ward Schumaker was a fun, spring-themed counting book. In this garden you will count one delightfully illustrated watering can, two dancing flowerpots, and a myriad of plants and flowers all the way up to two hundred and thirty-three peas! Don’t forget to read the story on the back cover that explains why the book ends with such a random number.

In Spring’s Sprung by: Lynn Plourde Mother Earth has three daughters: March, April, and May. The daughters (gorgeously illustrated) are as different as the spring weather they are known for. As they get ready to welcome the new season, they ask their mother who is the best singer, who is fastest, and who she loves best. Clever Mother Earth always responds with some form of ‘you are the best you I know’.

It’s Springtime, Mr. Squirrel by: Sebastian Meschenmoser was adorably hilarious. These charming, hand sketched illustrations will have you giggling as Mr. Squirrel attempts to help his friend hedgehog woo a lovely lady hedgehog that he spies by the pond. The two don ridiculous outfits and attempt to win fame and the lady’s attention by triumphing in many heroic battles (chiefly against a bear so big he doesn’t even know they’re there). In the end they realize that the lovely lady hedgehog was a hairbrush all along!

As Always, enjoy these and many other titles for FREE at your local library or click on the links provided to access any available read alouds. Happy spring!




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