Celebrate the Snowflakes With a Kids’ Winter Workout

If you live here with us in the Midwest you’ve enjoyed quite a bit of snow the last few days. Now that the temperatures are dropping lower than my credit rating after Christmas why not try these fun winter themed workouts to help you and your family stave off cabin fever! My kids’ favorite: The floor isContinue reading “Celebrate the Snowflakes With a Kids’ Winter Workout”

Super Affordable Kids’ Super Bowl Party

Featured image courtesy of Today

Kid’s Valentine’s Day Book Review

Love From the Crayons by: Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers was adorably illustrated in the style of a child’s crayon scribbles. The message of the book was beautifully simple: love comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It can be silly, hard to find, stormy, creative, or (my personal favorite) stinks (the illustration is priceless).Continue reading “Kid’s Valentine’s Day Book Review”

Super Savy Superbowl Story Time

Featured image courtesy of Thriftbooks.com

Superbowl Savings

Does your husband’s Super Bowl party leave you ‘super’ annoyed and your kids ‘super’ bored? Don’t worry, I’ve got some ideas for you that’ll make the Super Bowl ‘super’ fun but won’t leave your wallet ‘super’ empty! The ‘Puppy Bowl’: It’s hard to believe that the ‘Puppy Bowl’ is going on its eighteenth year already,Continue reading “Superbowl Savings”

Hustle Up with a Kids’ Superbowl Workout

Featured image courtesy of follow Phyllis.

Get Your Groove on With a Groundhog Day Kids’ Workout

Featured image courtesy of Pintrest

Loving Some Valentine’s Day Values

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and if you don’t find yourself ‘loving’ some of the prices you see in the stores, then check out some of my ideas for saving money on crafts, activities, and meals that both your kids and your wallet will fall for! Crafts: Why pay jacked-up Valentine’s Day prices on flowersContinue reading “Loving Some Valentine’s Day Values”

See if its Spring with a Groundhog Day Kids’ Book Review

Well, well, well, winter finally decided to show up at last! And just in time for the good ole groundhog to let us know how much more of the white fluffy stuff we can expect. Since we’re all stuck inside, why not enjoy some of these themed kids’ books? As always, find them at yourContinue reading “See if its Spring with a Groundhog Day Kids’ Book Review”

Groovy Groundhog Day

Image courtesy of inquirer.com