Gobble Up Some Thanksgiving Crafts

There’s one day left till Thanksgiving. You’ve got this all you stay at home, work from home, took time off this week, homeschooling parents! And just in case you don’t got this….here’s some Thanksgiving themed craft project ideas to get you through! TP Tube and Paper Plate Turkey: This is the only project I canContinue reading “Gobble Up Some Thanksgiving Crafts”

Free Holiday Break Kids’ Activities

Sooooo….in our district there’s a full week off for Thanksgiving and roughly two and a half weeks off for winter break. That’s a loooooot of time to fill. If you’re in my neck of the woods here’s some totally free events being offered through the Park District, library, and village. Most events are drop in,Continue reading “Free Holiday Break Kids’ Activities”

Thrifty Thanksgiving Activities

Hard to believe it, but the week of Thanksgiving is almost upon us. That means time off from school, long car rides, long plane rides, and long (in your kids’ opinion) boring holiday dinners. What to do to keep your kids busy, you sane, and your wallet stuffed enough to take on all your blackContinue reading “Thrifty Thanksgiving Activities”

Thankful for a Kids’ Book Review

My inbox is full of ‘Black Friday’ deals and the TV is blaring Christmas ads at the top of its lungs as though there’s nothing between Halloween and consumerism…I mean Christmas but an Amazon cart full of cyber-Monday deals. Personally, I love Thanksgiving. It is a refreshingly simple holiday. Just get together with people youContinue reading “Thankful for a Kids’ Book Review”

Thrifty Thanksgiving…Crafts and Activities, That Is

I originally published this post last year around this time. For some reason my kids have an entire week off for Thanksgiving break this year so I felt some parents would appreciate some ideas for keeping their littles occupied without all their cash getting ‘gobbled’ up. Looking for something to do with your kids duringContinue reading “Thrifty Thanksgiving…Crafts and Activities, That Is”

Dia De Los Muertos Deals

Pretty much everyone in North America is familiar with Halloween, but up until recently not too many folks had heard of Dia De Los Muertos. I almost prefer the latter because contrary to its close proximity to Halloween, Dia De Los Muertos has nothing to do with scary spirits haunting you from the grave. It’sContinue reading “Dia De Los Muertos Deals”

Hauntingly Easy Half Price Halloween Crafts

You can spend a fortune on holiday art kids for your kids at a major craft store. You can spend slightly less on those same holiday art kits at the Dollar Tree. Or, chances are, you have everything you need for some adorable Halloween craft projects haunting your cupboards already. Here are some ideas thatContinue reading “Hauntingly Easy Half Price Halloween Crafts”

Pennywise Pumpkin Crafts

If you’re not a fan of that’ pumpkin guts’ smell, then why not ‘carve out’ some of these Jack-o-lantern inspired crafts that won’t leave your wallet as hollowed out as a gutted gourd! Mason Jar Jack-o-lanterns: I have tons of old Mason jars laying around, but if you don’t, you can find them for dirtContinue reading “Pennywise Pumpkin Crafts”

Howling for a Halloween Kids Book Review

Just in case you didn’t get enough Halloween reading fun with these titles last year: http://the-thrifty-mom.com/2022/10/05/kids-halloween-book-review-2/ (Last year’s Kid’s Halloween book review) My kids and I found a few more ‘bone-chillingly’ good reads for a ‘not too scary’ themed story time. You can ‘literally’ ‘check them out’ at your local library or watch them beingContinue reading “Howling for a Halloween Kids Book Review”

Embark On Some ‘Bargain Boo’s’

I originally published this post last October, but I’m pleased to announce that many of these activities are returning again this year so don’t forget to check them out! https://www.stcparks.org/halloweenfun/ (2022 Gallery of Ghoulish homes info) https://book.peek.com/s/21992230-244f-4104-9043-dee349847151/03opX (2022 sign up for Mummy Fun run) The bewitching month of October is nearly upon us! Leaving usContinue reading “Embark On Some ‘Bargain Boo’s’”