Pennywise Pirates

Aaaaargh ya looking for a fun themed family day that will spare your change from walking the plank? Look no further Mateys!

Cash in Hand Camping

Give your family the ‘camp out’ experience and still have savings leftover for S’mores!

Farmer’s Market Finds

There’s more than just corn in Indiana….and at Farmer’s Markets too!

No Money Owed Ocean

Let’s see what’s out in the sea, shall we?

Savy Summer Craft Corner: Painless Patriotic Projects

Looking for some frugal, fun, family friendly projects for the Fourth of July? Look no further!

Savy Summer Craft Corner: Footprints in the Sand

Today’s summer craft corner project has been brought to you by the letter ‘H’ for heat and high humidity! Cool off with an air conditioning break and this fun and simple summer craft!

Savy Summer Craft Corner: Sandy Beach

B is for Beach today! Teach your kids the second letter of the alphabet with this fun seasonal project!